We're looking forward to seeing everyone at the Horseshoe Resort Hotel, Las Vegas, May 1 - 4, 2025 for a great Convention. 

WPA Conference on Teaching | Wednesday, April 30

 Some of our distinguished speakers will include:
Lenora Barnes
Psychology at Work: On Becoming an Educator, an Olympian, a Labor Activist

Ilana J. Bennett
Mnemonic discrimination: A key marker of neurocognitive aging

Tiffany Berry
Bridging the Research-to-Practice Divide: Transforming Youth Development Programs
through Program Evaluation

Michelle Bligh
Pathways for Leadership in Higher Education and Beyond

Jessica Borelli
Capitalizing on the Power of Positive Moments of Connection to Improve Parent-Child Relationships

Mark Costanzo
Psychology Applied to Everything: Criminal Confessions and the Death Penalty as Examples

Stacey Doan
Rethinking Resilience

Brad Donohoe
A Performance Optimization Approach to Mental Health

David Fredrick
Body Image Dissatisfaction: Key Theories and Impacts on Sexuality and Close Relationships

Matt Dubin
Flow 2.0: Optimal Experience in a Complex World

Mitchell Eisen
New Discoveries and Emerging Trends in Eyewitness Research

Ivan Hernandez
The importance of social cues for identity empowerment and motivation

Saida Heshmati
New Directions in Cultural and Cross-Cultural Research on Love and Relationships

Shane Kraus
The Rise of Sport Wagering in the United States: Clinical Considerations

Jon Krosnick
Racism and Sexism in American Presidential Elections

Belle Liang
How to Navigate Life: The New Science of Finding Your Way in School, Work, and Life

Michael Mccullough
Global Gratitude

Joel Milam
Young Adult Cancer Survivorship

Marvin Powell
Surveying the Stats Classroom: Now That’s Punny!

Sarah Pressman
The Science of Smiling: Pathways to Longevity and Health

Rebekah Reichert
Development of Religious Beliefs: Findings from a Global Study

Jamie Shapiro
Burning Bright Without Burning Out: The Importance of Vitality in Leadership

Stacia Stolzenberg
Effectively Interviewing Alleged Victims of Child Sexual Abuse

Jonathan Tullis
Metacognition in the Digital Age

Meg Warren
Lead with Your Strengths: Becoming the Ally You Wish You Had


Plus Invited Symposia on:

• The research and influence of Phillip Zimbardo and Stanley Sue

• The psychology of climate change

• Sports betting, sales, and addiction

• Becoming a graduate student and professor


 Program Chairs: Stewart Donalson and Saida Heshmati


                                                       Get More Convention News Click Here


                                        Thank you to our sponsor university!

                                        Claremont Graduate University

Young man working at his computer with head phones on

Registration is OPEN: You are not required to register for the convention when you submit your abstract.


Horseshoe Las Vegas Reservations Open

For guests that prefer to phone in their reservations, please call the  Reservation Center at 1-800-CAESARS (223-7277) to secure a reservation on the WPA group block. However, guests should be aware that a processing fee per reservation will be incurred if they choose not to use the group dedicated weblink. The name of the group is listed as Western Psychological Association 2025 Conference or callers may also use the group code to identify the group, SBWPA5.

Guests may make reservations in the block at group rate until Monday, 04/07/25. After that time, the group rate will be offered based on hotel availability only.


Las Vegas Caesars Parking Information

A Big Thank You to our Sponsors